Grandfather Tang’s eyes were wide open in surprise. His previous bleak expression had now changed into an excited one, and his hands were quivering agitatedly. A calm person for almost half his life, Grandfather Tang almost lost his composure and burst out: Holy shit! They are actually involved in the theft! I must have hit the jackpot! Grandfather Tang’s eyes were gleaning.
The aggressive reaction from Northern City Clan confirmed that they had a connection with the Tang Family’s theft case. If not, why would the pathetic Northern City Clan dare to attack a Duke of the Empire and the family of the Minister of State Revenue? This family was the most powerful family in Tian Xiang Empire! Offending them was akin to trying to court their own death!
One by one, members of the Northern City Clan that had rushed out were captured and tied up. Grandfather Tang cleared his throat and straightened his posture. His gaze was penetrating yet his face remained expressionless. His beard fluttered in the night wind. Grandfather Tang was like an imposing stature. An aura of power and grit exuded from him as he ordered his men to give what the captives deserved.
“Smack!” A member of the Northern City Clan had been pummeled into midair. Before he could react, a rope had shot out and encircled his waist. It tightened and immobilized the man before he fell to the ground. A brutal punch landed on his face, causing his teeth to fell out. The man did not even have time to scream before a gag was stuffed into his mouth. He was then picked up and thrown several zhangs (3.04m) away. The entire process took place in a short span of a few seconds. As the man landed, he realized that he was not the only one. Everyone surrounding him was his comrades, and they were tied and gagged up too…
“Smack!” Another one!
All 246 experts of the Tang Family were now involved in the fight. They were invincible as they advanced inwards. No one could escape under their watchful eyes.
The Northern City Clan Leader, Qin Hu, was surrounded by three Gold level Xuan Qi experts. Regardless of which way he turned, how much he tried to fight or run, he was unable to escape. His face was etched with desperation. Nearby, an Earth Xuan expert stood watch with his hands behind his back. Qin Hu could not escape, and he could not even commit suicide! If their aim was not to capture him alive, he would have been kicked to the Underworld a long time ago. Qin Hu was feeling more desperate by the second!
As the experts from the Tang Family wrapped up their thorough search of the area, they began to gather into the yard. Some of them were still searching the yard meticulously, their eyes analyzing even the smallest detail. If they suspect that there was a hidden secret passage at a certain part, they would dig for three feet to verify their suspicion.
After a while, a triumphant voice called out, “Found it!” Grandfather Tang was overjoyed as he entered the courtyard. He noticed that the experts were dragging out several people. It was none other than Qin Xiao Bao, Qin Hu’s son. Along with him were several attractive women. Qin Hu had hidden them in the clan’s most secretive chamber. His intention was to keep his son safe in the event that his attempt to escape was unsuccessful. However, the experts from the Tang Family were too professional as they still managed to locate the hidden chamber. It was located merely a zhang below ground with a covert exit.
Upon realizing that his son was captured, Qin Hu despaired and gave up resisting. If not for fear that Qin Hu would fight till he dies, the three experts would have long since captured him! However, at that moment, Qin Hu had lost the will to fight. The three Gold level experts surged forward simultaneously and captured Qin Hu effortlessly. “Splat!” Qin Hu’s body crumpled to the ground. He no longer had control over his body nor his life.
Slowly, Grandfather Tang approached Qin Hu. Looking down at Qin Hu’s dejected face, he waved his hands in a shoo-ing motion. The surrounding men backed away immediately, giving both of them some privacy.
“Where is the item?” growled Grandfather Tang, his eyes boring straight into Qin Hu’s. His question was straight to the point so that Qin Hu would not have the opportunity to deny anything!
Such a question would lead Qin Hu to think that: Grandfather Tang knew that Northern City Clan was the one that had stolen the Xuan Core and that Grandfather Tang had proof of it. All that was missing was his cooperation. So long as Qin Hu had something to do with the theft of the Xuan Core, there was a 90 percent chance that his expression would give it away when he heard the question as a prisoner!
Sure enough, Qin Hu inhaled sharply in shock. His mouth was agape, he was tongue-tied and there was a look of desperation in his eyes! Grandfather Tang was observing his reaction carefully and was ecstatic at the response he was seeing. Finally, the suspense in his heart was abated.
It really is a jackpot! Oh, my dear Tang Yuan, you have finally managed to accomplish something! And a great accomplishment at that! Looks like there is actually some hope for you! Wait a moment, didn’t this matter came from that douchebag, Jun Mo Xie? A sudden thought came into Grandfather Tang’s mind: Having a bunch of debauchees together does not seem like such a bad idea after all. At least they had proven their usefulness at the critical moment. Didn’t everyone say that I used to be like a debauchee too? But right now…
Grandfather Tang realized that his thoughts had digressed and he composed himself. Regardless of whether he found the Xuan Core today, Grandfather Tang made a mental note to thank the Jun Family. The Tang Family now owe the Jun Family a huge favor! It was time to improve their relationship with the Jun Family…
“Wh… What is this Xuan Core? I… I do not know anything about it, Tang… Senior, why would you do this to us so suddenly? I…” answered a very flustered Qin Hu. His eyes were flashing and he was hoping that luck would be on his side.
“Oh, what a talkative little brat you are. You don’t remember anything about a Xuan Core? Haha… Don’t worry. I will make sure you remember,” smirked Grandfather Tang. He waved his hand and an expert from the Tang Family brought forward Qin Xiao Bao’s body. Qin Xiao Bao was thrown on the floor, and the expert left.
“Qin Hu, it is to my knowledge that you only have this one son. I promise that as long as you tell me everything, I will make sure that your son is not harmed, no matter what happens to the Northern City Clan. I give you my word that I will protect the last remaining heir of your Qin Family and make sure he remains safe and sound,” laughed Grandfather Tang in an amicable manner. “Unfortunately, if you still cannot remember anything, you will have to witness your own son’s suffering. When that happens, no one would have a happy ending. Do you understand?”
“Father! Save me!” wailed Qin Xiao Bao. Qin Xiao Bao had suffered through a very unfortunate year. At the start of the year, when he was walking the streets, he came across a beauty and could not help but catcall and flirted with her. Unfortunately, he was captured, his Dan Tian broken, and his Xuan Qi cultivation destroyed. After he recovered and he was finally able to move again, he went to a wine shop but was smacked on the face by a drunkard. Although he only cursed the drunkard, he was still beaten up and had his leg broken. As he cried his way home, he thought he would have a safe haven to nurse his injuries. Yet, something like this were to happen. He was carried and thrown around like a bag of rubbish despite his injuries. Qin Xiao Bao was currently an emotional turmoil. He was afraid, nervous, in pain, and despondent…
Grandfather Tang slowly stretched out his withered hand and stroked Qin Xiao Bao’s neck, similar to how one would stroke a frightened puppy to try to placate it. However, everyone knew that this was just an act. If Qin Hu’s answer was not what Grandfather Tang wanted, those withered hands would transform into those of the King of Hell!
Qin Hu heaved a deep sigh and lowered his gaze, “You win.” Grandfather Tang beamed and replied proudly, “Qin Hu, you are truly worthy of being a Clan Leader. You know how to settle a situation properly. I’m impressed.”
The sarcastic comment was like a tight slap to Qin Hu’s already bruised ego. His face was red with humiliation and it was an ugly sight. After mumbling to himself, he finally forced out the words, “I believe that Senior Duke is already aware that the theft was done under someone else’s commands. If it wasn’t, I would never have the courage to steal something from the Tang Residence. I would not want to court my own death. Even if we had wished to steal from you, we do not have the capital to… we simply cannot do it.”
“Go on,” urged an impatient Grandfather Tang.