When Shao Xuan left that morning, Qu Ce and Feather tribe’s Hong Xi looked for him. Qu Ce was purely idle and bored, so, when he did not see Shao Xuan, he settled with Lei and Tuo to gossip about the Rain tribe’s situation and told jokes to pass the time. As for Hong Xi, he looked for Shao Xuan to fight, so when he didn’t find him, he left.
About the Rain tribe, after Shao Xuan left, Lei and Tuo listened to the gossips, then asked Shao Xuan next. Shao Xuan roughly told them, but did not say too much. Both of them was able to understand what the situation was and it was unbelievable for them.
Why do they treat the Shaman like this? In the Flaming Horns tribe, when the Shaman said one, no one would dare to say two.
However, these two people did not have much interest in a foreign tribe. Their reaction was just a sigh: “Poor him!”
They, like the rest of the team, did not believe that it was possible to call for rain here. It was purely a topic of leisure.
Near dusk, Yang Sui had people come over to find Shao Xuan. As Rain tribe’s Shaman, Yang Sui could not directly some to this side. If he were seen in such a time, it was easy for Shao Xuan to attract trouble.
In the broken cabin, there were no other people in the room aside from Yang Sui. In front of the fire, he was sitted on the ground waiting for Shao Xuan, while beside him was a bulging animal hide bag.
Tomorrow would be the time to call for rain, but Yang Sui seemed not to be in a hurry, just more silent compared to daytime.
“What’s the matter?” Shao Xuan went into the house and asked.
“Shao Xuan, I beg you to do me a favor.” Yang Sui pleaded.
“You say it first.” Shao Xuan found a place to sit down, waiting for Yang Sui to proceed.
Yang Sui handed the hide bag to Shao Xuan. “If I can’t resist tomorrow, my mother and aunt will be sent out, please … help them… ”
Probably knowing his request was a bit too much, Yang Sui said this but was half stucked. His friendship with Shao Xuan was not really too deep. If Shao Xuan helped, it would be directly against the Rain tribe.
Not waiting for Shao Xuan to speak, Yang Sui again hurriedly said, “Just asking you to help them leave the Rain tribe. He Chao and the others wanted to target me, so if other people leave the tribe, at most, they will be expelled but not hunted down.”
Grasping his head, Yang Sui continued, “If they were expelled, I would like them to go to your Flaming Horns tribe in the Ferocious Beast Mountain forest. I heard that there are wanderers who followed you.”
Yang Sui stuffed the bag full of shellfish coins into Shao Xuan’s hand and continued to talk about his follow-up arrangements. He said a lot about other people but not about himself.
Shao Xuan did not look at the hide bag with coins. “Was there no way to turn it around?”
Yang Sui helplessly lowered his hand. “No.”
“Maybe you could really beg for rain?” Shao Xuan said.
“Let’s hope,” Yang Sui said with a smile. He didn’t believe it himself, just talking freely. If he could really ask for rain, what could the new chief do, what about He Chao? He would not be kicked out, but could also stand higher and more stable! But……
No, it’s not possible!
“Rest assured, if I can help, I will certainly help. Chacha, too. Just because of the sand, it was now hiding a bit far away.” Shao Xuan did not return the bag of coins. It was only safe to accept it. After receiving these, he told Yang Sui to be rest assured. When the time came, if Yang Sui’s parents and relatives were really expelled, Shao Xuan would give these back to them and draw them a map to the Flaming Horns tribe.
Hearing Shao Xuan’s words, Yang Sui revealed a rare light expression. “Thank you!”
Shao Xuan waved away his thanks and, instead asked, “If you can’t call for rain, couldn’t a different way be used? For example, change it back to the early times using the whip and rain stone method?”
Yang Sui smiled, his tone with some self-deprecation. “It’s useless. I’m not saying that the rules made by the ancestors can not easily be changed, like the method to call for rain. In fact, as long as there is that ability, how you do it is right. If there is a problem, then it is wrong to do anything.”
“Do you mean … The key was the Shaman? And not those ways?”
“So to speak. But now, it is not the Shaman but the fire that was the decisive factor.” Yang Sui hesitated, but still spoke, “The Rain tribe’s fire has problems.”
A problem with the fire seed? Shao Xuan doubted.
“Once the Shaman call for rain, the fire seed decides the success or failure of the ritual. Because the fire is flawed, no matter how much we ask, it can not rain. In an accidental situation, I also found a record in a Shaman’s possessions, only to know these. They said that the fire was as if it was asleep. When the Shaman called, how will it rain if it was not awake? It only wakes up once during the annual ritual, while other times, it will not wake up. If the sacrifice was great, it is likely to succeed. However, during the great sacrifice, it was not the dry season, and was very cold. Everyone’s wish to rain will not be strong. The time outside of the ceremony, the fire was asleep and if it was not awake, calling for rain can not succeed.”
Yang Sui finding that record on the hidden animal skin volume was indeed accidental. The skin roll was still buried under the ground, with only the Shaman that could understand the symbols in the text.
“And you can’t wake it up?” Shao Xuan asked.
“If I could have been successful to wake it up, I would not wait until now. This has been going on for a long, long time. In fact, with the tradition that the Shaman candidates must travel out, the purpose is not to find any way to solve the problem. The main purpose of this rule is to elect the strongest person as a Shaman, since only most powerful would most likely to wake up the fire.”
Yang Sui patted Shao Xuan. “These news you’ve heard, don’t say it out, otherwise, the Rain tribe will be in chaos.”
If the tribe was in chaos, even if the current chief tried to control it, nobody would be able to change the panic in the hearts of the people. In the long-term, the development of the Rain tribe will become more deformed, or in more serious words, it may slowly go to ruin. Therefore, those who know these secrets would secretly hide and keep it until they die.
“Rest assured, I won’t say it.” Shao Xuan assured the other. Their Flaming Horns tribe was far away, with no influence on the Rain tribe. Besides, Shao Xuan himself was not big-mouthed person.
After chatting for a while, Yang Sui got up and left, ready to greet the next day’s death ceremony. For him, the rain ritual tomorrow was his death ceremony.
Shao Xuan also took the bag of coins back to his resting place.
The next day, the sky was more serious, with the wind and dust flying. The visibility was lower, like it was quite a sandstorm appearing.
The people in the travel team stayed in their huts besides going out for food. The weather was so bad outside that they didn’t want to go out or they might eat the sand itself.
They knew that today was the Rain tribe’s rain ceremony. The people were not going near the Rain tribe this time, since the tribe’s defense was more strict.
“There is no excitement, the weather is bad, alas!” Qu Ce was on the window, looking out at the sand-filled surroundings.
“Shut that up quickly. The sand might blown in!” The man in the room rebuked.
Sighing, Qu Ce pulled the wooden window closed, then asked the roomful of people, “Just like you said, were the Rain Tribe people really can’t make it rain?”
“Do you also believe they could? These little tribes just like to exaggerate and boast!”
Not only were the people of the Mang tribe belived so, but others have similar ideas. They also did not really wait to see whether it would rain. They took advantage of this two days for more rest. Once the weather was better, they have to start again. The road forward would be difficult to go through, and trying to find a place to rest would also be difficult.
Inside the Rain Tribe.
Built on a high platform on top of the firepit, some of the rain rituals needed were placed on top of the table.
They did not need to worry about the fire in the firepit suddenly picking up, because they had not seen it, except for the time of the grand sacrifice at the beginning of each year.
A lot of people had gathered around the firepit. Everyone was whispering, some people were really praying for rain, regardless of who the Shaman was. Their farmland has a lot of crops planted. There were some people who just wanted to see the jokes of Yang Sui.
The people headed by He Chao belonged to the new chief’s side. They looked at Yang Sui with eyes filled with ruthless and expectations. Looking forward to seeing Yang Sui’s defeat, and being pushed to the fire by all the tribe.
“Look over there!”
“What nonsense! Yang Sui, how dare you!”
“Do they really plan to ask for rain? The rain God will be angry!”
He Chao looked down at what was in everyone’s sight. He saw Yang Sui wearing the rain ritual yellow-green woven clothing, followed behind by eight shamans. Seeing the other shamans, Huang Ye almost had his eyes bulge out.
They coerced and tempted some people away from Yang Sui, having Yang Sui unable to gather the ritual shrine maidens. However, they never thought that Yang Sui unexpectedly would go to this step!
What about the water-like body? What about the young girl?!
Why were there some old women?!!
What is that? A ball?
Mi Fu’s mother had eaten a plant by mistake, resulting to bone changes and a puffiness of her body, making her look like a ball. Even if she was starving to death, she would maintain the puffiness. The ritual dress, which was made overnight, was slightly wider and fatter on her. Yang Sui’s mother, although was not so fat, has a body incompatable to the young girls. There was no such a feeling of flowing water-like body. Let alone Yang Sui’s grandmother, it was obvious.
The nine-man team, coming out of a house near the firepit went straight to altar. As they passed, the people around avoided them like snakes, some because of the shock and slow reaction. After they returned to themselves, they took a few steps back, for fear of being mistaken of having a relationship with these people.
Some of the tribe’s elders who thought they were regarded as “venerable” saw this scene, and they almost turned their eyes out and faint.
Outrageous! That’s ridiculous! What a bastard!
Is this fooling the people of the tribe or an insult to the ancestors? It is certain to offend the gods.
Oh, my God!
This Yang Sui, if he made the spirits angry, what if it never rained again after?
Some of them were too old to be too excited, so they became dizzy and a riot started.
Far from these people, despite the sand being too big to see the situation there, they still heard the news, and were also surprised that they couldn’t speak for a long time. After a while, they also followed the people around to scold Yang Sui and his family.
“Burn to death, must be burned to death!”
“Burn them! In order to be forgiven by god!”
Note: A ball?
I thought that one was wrongly translated but then I read the next paragraph.. (ノ_-;)…