Seto came between me and the villagers, trying to calm them.
[Everyone, please listen! Fate has come here to help dispatch the monsters! He doesn’t mean for anything else!]
And Seto having delayed off the schedule only served to stoke the flame even hotter.
Scoldings also being directed toward Seto who were standing in between. His father, the village chief even had to apologize to the other villagers since it had boiled down to that.
But it’s true if this kept up. Should I threaten the village a little, I thought so while drawing Greed from its sheath.
[Fate, wait. Bear with it for now, please.]
Seto bowed to me. Really……these people gave me more headache than when I was fighting a strong monster.
The village chief soon left, leaving the others to continue the talk. Meanwhile I was prohibited to leave the village. And Seto was appointed as a lookout to make sure that I won’t escape.
[Listen, Seto. Watch him properly so this good for nothing doesn’t get away. Before I returned from Tetra tomorrow, if the monsters attacked, just use him as sacrifice. Don’t let him escape, and don’t be a disappointment again.]
The village became quiet again at night. There were only me and Seto left outside.
Seto said so while covering his face with both hands. What was left of his partially bald head flew around due to the wind. Apparently his youth was eaten away by anxiety.
[For the time being, let’s stay at my house. The lookout post is also okay. Since Fate’s old home is already……]
That explained why he was so desperate, he wants to protect his daughter. Somehow, I felt that his appearance overlapped with that of my deceased father’s.
The cute girl was also fairly sensitive to her father’s trouble.
After asking about why he lost his hair, Seto’s daughter stared at me in curiosity.
His daughter looked at me in awe. Then she gradually began to cry. Perhaps, she’s reminded of her mother who was killed by the monsters.
Looking at this sight, I told Seto what’s in my mind quite frankly.
[You……have changed.]
[At that time, I was but a kid. It was what father…… village chief had said, so I took it at face value. After my daughter was born, I started to think a little differently……I guess, I did changed.]
However, even if 1 Seto had changed, it means nothing if the rest of the villagers didn’t. This village needed to refresh their way of thinking, only then they could start over.
The meal wasn’t that good. It was just grains put inside the juice of wild plants, then boiled together. It couldn’t be said as fine dish. However, it did have a nostalgic taste in it. My father used to cook this food for me.
Unable to become rich, staying poor, made their mind deteriorate. In a way, it was good that I left this village back then.
While eating the porridge, I listened to Seto’s story. Mainly about the monster’s attacks.
Having heard enough, I reached out to Greed.
Could it be..
My conversation with Greed, to others would seem like I was talking to myself. Therefore, Seto and his daughter’s face had become weird and indescribable. But it’s not the time to think about that, there was something more important.