[You did good, Fate. Come, let’s go inside]
Hausen city’s size was about half of the Royal Capital. How many skeleton knights and archers could fit into such a vast place? Just thinking about that sent chills running down my spine. Even with a proper party, it will take more than a week just to clean them all up.
As Aaron said, it would be harder for us to hurry to the castle if the skeletons swarmed us like ants clustering on sugar. We had killed over 100 skeletons, incurring huge amount of aggro in the process. Merely entering their field of vision would incite them to attack us as if we had murdered their parents.
The enemy was trying to flank us. Other than that, I could see skeleton archers above the marketplace along the main street. I see now. Once our movement stop, they will rain arrows upon us. Although they are only bones and no brain, they are still crafty nonetheless. Or at least more tactical than either goblins or kobolds.
Well, those tactics will only effective against normal warriors. Aaron bore the title of Sword Saint and was of the highest class among the Holy Knights. And I, am his disciple. There was no way something of this level will hinder us.
[Fate, don’t get left behind. While I’m breaking through, focus on your own task. Don’t even think about stopping]
While the inorganic voice rang in my head, I called out to Aaron.
Passing the gaps of the broken through skeleton soldiers, the castle finally came into view, so we continued on.
It was said that a crown-tier Harbinger of Death Lich Lord lived there, within that towering castle. Anyways, if we kept fighting outside, there was no way that it wouldn’t notice.
Looking at the city from so far, I had the impression that everything had been kept frozen in time at some point. It’s because there wasn’t much, if any, damage on the buildings. Such a large city should also house several warriors. But when I looked at the city’s condition, there seemed to be not much resistance happening.
Either they were overwhelmed by something else, or by the citizen-turned-undead and they had no sufficient skill to deal with it.
I looked up toward the castle, where the Lich Lord resided.
The gate was wrecked much like the city gate. I could tell that the Lich Lord had humanlike intelligence to be reasonable enough to not cause unnecessary damages.
As Aaron told, not only that the Lich Lord was a Crown tier monster, it also has human-like guile. It wouldn’t directly use immense power to pound me into dust, but instead the Lich Lord was the kind of crown tier monster which will use traps and psychological tactic against its opponent. It’s the perfect kind of opponent for me who greatly needed more combat experience before going to Gallia.