If I wanted to reach the king’s army, it would be faster if I jumped over it. Even the omega slime which I could sense swimming underground was heading toward that area either.
『What’s the matter?』
[No, it’s nothing]
『Fate……your heart beat rate is rising.』
[It’s because I’ve been running all the time. Even I can get out of breath.]
『Fuh, then I guess you’re fine.』
In midair, I drew the black sword, and shifted it into bow form.
[Greed! 20% of my stats!]
Greed rarely did this, but he actually got flustered thanks to the addition I made, which I frankly don’t really care that much.
With the penetrative power of the mutated technique, I should be able to hit the core even if the omega slime split its body again to shield itself.
And that’s why, I have to be able to see the omega slime properly before shooting. It’s to end it once and for all.
Now! !
But the aim is accurate. If it’s going as it is…. However.
[Kuh, at this timing?]
The next one was slightly red hued, different from the first one. It impacted right over the arrow I had shot.
Oh well, it’s not like I could take it easy just yet.
『Fate! Get away! It’s dangerous』
[I know already]
『Finally it appeared. This feeling……it’s a Mortal Sin weapon like me』
[Just as Eris said, is this guy a danger for us?]
『Yes, this will be the greatest danger we’ve faced so far.』
『You’ll understand once you return up』
[Is that the same effect as my mask? He’s imitating me……]
[That’s….in other word.]
『Exactly. It’s the kind of weapon capable of handling both long distance and melee fight at the same time』
Greed clicked his tongue.
『It seems that the projectile shot to the omega slime just now was capable of improving its abilities. Apparently, now it’s able to split even the core to make a separate body without affecting its stats』
[Isn’t that, bad…..?]
『Yes, it may continue to multiply infinitely with its new improved ability. But, this……has bad compatibility with Fate.』