[I know.]
[Defeating the Lich Lord, and liberating Hausen, right?]
[Why the!? How did you know about that? ….ah, I get it]
[I think you can already tell how.]
As if disappointed in me, Roxy inflated her cheeks and stared at me with envious look. But she immediately smiled back and said.
[Aaron-sama didn’t say anything else when he reunited with Fai?]
[Of course. It’s Aaron-sama after all. Then, let’s talk about that time.]
[There was still a crown tier Lich Lord lurking there!? Why! Aaron didn’t tell me anything about that…..]
[Because it’s Aaron-sama. And it’s a crown tier Lich Lord too. Aaron-sama used the same technique that Fai had shown him to defeat the monster once before. Now, what technique it was?]
[Could it be, the overlaying Grand Cross attack?]
[Correct! Aaron-sama even praised it. Holy Knights usually fight on their own, so the idea of layering another grand cross on top of each other was quite impressive. I thought so too.]
[Don’t praise me too much….. It’s not that big of a deal.]
[Will you try it with me next time?]
For some reason she stared at me intently. Also, our distance had become too close. I had trouble replying her.
[So you don’t want to….]
[Nono, that’s not what I meant]
[Then, would you like to try it out here? Fai already brought his black sword, so let me fetch my holy sword.]
[Eee! Won’t everyone be surprised if we try it in here?]
Roxy who had already stand up from her chair, looked back and seemed satisfied at my panicked reaction. She stuck out her tongue a little and said.
[Of course I’m just joking. I didn’t think that Fai would fall for it though.]
[You….tricked me again]
[How is Hausen’s reconstruction going?]
[Ah, it’s going pretty well. There was this acquaintance of mine, a warrior called Bardo, leading 50 strong warriors to maintain the security around Hausen. We are free from monster attacks thanks to their efforts. Other than that, my childhood friend Seto seems to be interested in starting a business in Hausen. I think that’s all for now.]
[Ah, that’s good to hear. Next time, if I visit Hausen, please introduce me to them]
[Alright. They have their quirks but they are good people.]
[Is it true that you are trying to give the people in the slums a living at Hausen?]
[Yes. They’ll have no future otherwise. Eris promised me that she’ll change the kingdom for the better, but it’ll definitely take some time. Besidely, it’ll be easier for them to start a new life in Hausen.]
[If there is anything that I can do to help, don’t hesitate to tell me]
[Your face suddenly turned rotten. I wonder, what are you planning to do with Eris-sama next]
[Eeh….why do you want to know?]
[Because Fai made that kind of face.]
(What kind of bad things were you thinking about?)
[Wait a minute, the mind reading skill….]
( I don’t mind. It’s fine if Fai wants to read my mind. Besides, if I don’t want you to read my mind, I can always do this)
[Eh, what do you mean?]
(Ah, Fai! Watch out! Miria is going to attack you from behind!!)
[Aaaa, it was so much fun. I wish I had a Mind reading skill too]
[I want to talk with Greed-san]
[That guy? You’d better change your mind. He’s an unreasonable, vile-mouthed guy]
[Is that so…..on the contrary that makes me even more curious]
『What a hopeful girl. She wants to talk with me! How popular, this me is!』
[You shut up.]
[There, when Fai was still working as servant here, you often seemed to talk to the black sword. It was quite well known among the employee, so this is actually why.]
[Uaaaaaaa, but is it true?]
[I just wish I can hear Greed-san’s voice just once.]
[That’s impossible. Right, Greed?]
『No, it’s possible』
I almost fell off from my chair again after hearing that abrupt truth. Up until now I thought he couldn’t communicate with other people except through mind reading. What the hell!
『But first, you’ll have to unlock the next rank. Once you do, some of my lost features will be restored. That’s how』
[What are you guys talking about?]
[Greed said if his next rank is unlocked, it may become possible for him to talk to other people.]
[That’s wonderful! I can barely wait. Can I, hold Greed-san just a little bit?]
[Sure. Greed, are you fine with that?]
[Ku……gluttony skill has awakened. Not enough, more!]
[Uaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, would you please cut it out already.]
[How is it, isn’t it similar? To how Fai acted back then at Gallia?]
『In other words, you are fun to be played around with. Well done!』
[What’s with that ‘well done’! You really…]
Since it had come to this, next time it’ll be my turn to mimic Roxy. I won’t forgive this dismay so easily.
[Please stop it already. Why are you trying to mimic me anyway?]
[Fufufufufu, because it’s funny to watch.]
[In that case, I’ll just close my eyes, go ahead!]
[That’s no good]
Aisha-sama warned me with her stare. It appeared that this was the decisive moment.