[I’m going along too! Tooooh!]
[You little! Don’t do something reckless!!]
[I don’t care anymore. On my back!]
As both of my hands are used to carry Roxy, I told Miria to hang on my back.
[Fufufu…Roxy-sama’s body…is soft]
[You little, this is a state of emergency!]
[It takes times and effort]
[I’m just worried about Roxy-sama. Don’t pretend to be my companion!]
[Then hold on tighter.]
[We’re going to land soon, hold tight]
[Ehh~, how come you’re more straight laced than usual]
[Because I….can’t afford to be selfish at times like this.]
[Will Roxy-sama be alright…?]
[Un, she’ll be okay shortly. Firstly, I need to take her to the Barbatos mansion. Then go kill the goblin shaman.]
[I’ll fight too! I’ll defeat this Goblin Shaman. Roxy-sama is an important person for me too…]
[I can’t bring Miria along this time]
[I, want to be Roxy-sama’s strength….because Roxy-sama was the only one…. willing to help me…]
[I was an orphan just like Fate-san.]
[I see…]
[Look, because I had this magic sword mastery skill despite being an orphan, many things has happened to me…]
[Thanks to that, I got a lot of experience, so my level is quite high.]
As I heard the story, I came to wonder….such a young girl having to fight monsters at such an early age. Even I thought it’ll be tough for me to fight a monster if I were on the same age. I managed to go through my first fight because I had Greed with me. Just having a strong skill doesn’t mean that you’ll have an equally strong heart after all. That kind of thing only comes from the tempering of repeated battles.
[Fight, and more fights…one after another, that I thought there was no end to it. As my level kept going up, I expected that my stats are also rising up. I was betting on it.]
[Could it be…?]
[Yes, look here.]
On the way to Barbatos mansion, Miria showed me her neck, and I could clearly see a fading long scar there. Rather than a slashing scar, it looked more like a burnt mark…
[There was a gap between my neck and the collar. I plunged my burning sword into that gap, trying to cut down the collar. It was so hot, I felt like I’m about to die, but luckily the collar broke apart before that could happen. Afterward, I escaped with my life to the capital.]
[What’s wrong? Are you listening? I’m talking seriously here!]
[I’m listening. I’m listening very seriously.]
[I wonder~]
[How rude, I’m the Head of Barbatos Family, how come I ignore such thing!]
[You rarely bring out the family name…that’s suspicious.]
I could feel her tight grasp on my shoulder. But it weakened soon.
[Well…nevermind. Without a penny to spend…and my clothes in tatters, I wandered around the slums, then fell unconscious due to starvation. Then…]
[Roxy picked you up?]
[Ah, why do you have to cut in. It’s an important part!]
[Good grief…it’s rude to cut in like that.]
[Sorry, sorry.]
[I thought that I would never believe anyone else, I thought it’ll fine if I only put my trust in Roxy-sama alone. that…I think Fate-san can understand it. But now there are also Mugan-san and Raine-san. It’s all thanks to Roxy-sama.]
[I see…]
[After a lot of considerations, in order to be able to help Roxy-sama, I tried entering the Royal Army. You see, magic sword mastery skill is quite rare. But even then, I managed to enroll into the army thanks to Roxy-sama’s influence. I… was useless. Even this time, I’m still useless.]
[Don’t you dare think like that. I understand. Let’s help Roxy together. Will you lend me your power, Miria?]
[Yes, thank you very much]
[I’ve already told you about my past, so Fate-san should tell me about himself next time. I won’t take a no this time!]
[Yeah, I’ll tell you about it after we defeat the goblin shaman. It’s quite long, so don’t you dare fall asleep midway through.]
[It depends on the content of the story. If it’s not interesting, then I’ll fall asleep.]
[Whether my life story is interesting or not, who am I to judge myself?]