[Ah… too shallow]
[Come on, your time is running out.]
That’s what Aaron told me before. When he was training Roxy, what gave him more challenge was instead her kicks rather than her sword strikes.
The intense kick dug into the sand and reached the core, knocking it out of its sand body with a metallic sound.
The time was… almost ten seconds.
This should clear the condition that Eris had set. Eris and I walked toward Roxy… as she walked on my side, Eris made sure to keep a poker face up.
[Fai, Eris-sama. Did I pass the test?]
[First of all let me congratulate you.]
[Thank you.]
[But, I did said that it should be within 10 seconds. And you did just that, although very close to failing. That’s too much of an effort for a single enemy]
[…. I have nothing to say to argue about that.]
[If it’s me, I would’ve done this.]
[That’s how. Roxy should at least be able to do something like that.]
[…I will do my best]
[What about you, Fate? Do you want to show Roxy how you would handle the darkness?]
[I’ll refrain from that.]
I went to Roxy’s side, and gently tapped her shoulder.
[Eris isn’t exactly normal, so better not compare yourself to her…]
[Yes, I know. I have to give it my all. But for starters, I can’t really manage something like that.]
[I’ll leave handling the darknesses to you. But if things get rough, just retreat.]
[Roxy, Eris! Are you two ready!!]
[Sacred beast fight. Let’s go, Greed.]
『Okay, you can count on me. But that sacred beast seems strange.』
It’s just as Greed said. Even after we already drew our weapons, the sacred beast simply ignored us and went to a different direction. Behind it, many darknesses were chasing after it like moths to fire.
[It didn’t even take a glance at us…]
『You are right. The sacred beast has more or less the same level of intelligence to that of a human. However, it’s still a beast nonetheless.』
[Its movements don’t make any sense.]
『This is just a conjecture, but……perhaps the Door to that Land did not revive it perfectly.』
【God’s Guardian Shield】
・Zodiac Scorpion Lv???
When someone lose their reasonings, they shouldn’t be able to exhibit its true power. I understood this when I fought the ogres back then. Those ogres were originally humans who had been forcefully brought to Area E, and became monsters due to collapse phenomenon. They couldn’t demonstrate their real power due to that.
『Just because it cannot show its 100%, does not mean you can underestimate it. It is still a sacred beast after all. Look at Eris. She may look calm on the outside, but she is in turmoil inside. Just like that Zodiac Knight Libra, this sacred beast is also an object of fear for her.』
[Eris is…]
Apparently Greed saw through her facade after that uncharacteristic discomfort she showed earlier.
『It seems to be okay for now, but hopefully the trauma will not bite us in the back later on.』
[Don’t jinx it.]
『Hahaha, my bad, my bad.』
[Roxy, you have to kill every darkness in its surroundings, so we can fight more easily.]
[Eris will shoot to divert its attention from a distance.]
[Roger that! My close range combat capability is still lacking unfortunately. I will also help by buffing Fate and Roxy so that it’s easier for you two to move around.]
[As for me, with the support of you two, find an opening and deliver the killing blow.]
[Let’s start it. If we delay any further, the sacred beast will get away.]
The battle started with a gunshot. The bullet Eris shot flew straight toward the sacred beast. It carries a strong magic power that could easily penetrate an early stage Area E target.
『Sacred Beast battle. You who had always rely on my performance up until now, have to grow out of it now. If you are truly my wielder, then squeeze out everything I can offer to you!』
[Even without you telling me to, I’m planning to do just that.]
『Ho, how do you plan to do that?』
[I’ll just fight with my best.]
[Thanks. Let’s take our first dip, Greed!]
Running straight to the zodiac scorpion, I dove right under its belly. Then I tried to cut it open with my sword.
[This is not just hard! The blade was blocked by something like an invisible wall]
『That should be the holy blessing. Now, what to do? Fate!』
[As a warrior, and as the Gluttony skill holder… Let’s feast.]