Chapter 150 – City-eating Monster
After talking with Eris, I felt wide awake. I didn’t feel like returning back to sleep anymore, so I decided to head back to the desert, leaving Roxy and Mimir at the mansion
[Alright, let’s do our best!]
[So we are really going to do this…]
[Because it’ll be faster this way.]
[Alright then, let’s go. Devour those darknesses and monsters charging toward us. That’s the highlight of Gluttony skill after all.]
[Let me prepare my heart first, please wait.]
[Eris… you really did it this time, didn’t you?]
[Un! Come on now, you said it yourself that we should do our best! I will give you generous supporting fire this time.]
『It has been a while since we fought this many. Don’t you disappoint me now, Fate!』
[You only get to say that because you aren’t the one who’ll fight them.]
『Hahaha, this Me is nothing but a weapon after all. Be careful, don’t overeat』
[I know already.]
Eris took the initiative. She shot consecutively, killing monsters while building up charges for Envy.
[I’ll buff you up with Vanishing bullet, go wild.]
As usual, an inorganic voice in my head informed me of my stat growth and skill acquiring. The now familiar voice rang repeatedly, reporting almost endlessly.
I activated the《Wind Blade Magic》I just acquired.
[That’s much more efficient]
『Good if you have fun, but what about the gluttony skill?』
[No need to worry, Greed. There is no Area E among them so far, I can still go on.]
『If that so…go ahead』
In fact, I hadn’t felt this well in a very long time. Perhaps Luna was hard at work suppressing the Gluttony skill inside. I should thank her later tonight when I entered the dream world.
At first I thought it might be a phalanx bullet. But our current opponents weren’t even Area E. Their attack wouldn’t even scratch me normally.
I kept cutting the darknesses while wondering why Eris fired the magic bullet.
[Wha!? This is!!]
Not just the enemies before me, I also ended up swathing the darknesses behind them.
[Attack power and range have been improved!?]
[Fufufu, that is Raging Bullet’s effect] (TL note: feels old when I actually remember this name as a toy name from the 90s…)
Looking back, I saw Eris, standing atop a mountainous pile of darkness’ corpses with a proud face.
[Through repeated use of the support bullet, I’ve unlocked another one of Envy’s supportive bullets.]
[Then, please keep doing that.]
[Fine. You see, I’m a woman who can do-it-all after all.]
This Raging Bullet was really a good support bullet. What if I combine it with Spirit Unity? And what if I added in Gluttony skill starvation….Just imagining it already made me excited with the possibility.
Drenched in blood and guts.
[It became quiet, didn’t it?]
[Yosh, mission complete! Fate, let’s head back.]
Eris then hugged me.
[Uaaa, the blood on your clothes got in my eyes!]
[Who cares, who cares.]
And she returned to her usual self already, the troublesome self. But I suppose, compared to that side I saw for a moment just now, this one is also fun to have in a way.
While I was thinking all that inwardly, Eris suddenly looked up to me and said.
[Oya oya, Fate-kun. Your heart is beating fast, I wonder why?]
[That is, that is because I was fighting just now.]
[Really? Is that also why your face is beet red?]
[Aaaa, could it be?]
[I see, I see. Un un.]
[This is the first time we go on a monster subjugation with only the two of us. It’s exhausting for me, and now I’m completely caked in desert sand like a sandman. But thanks to that, I got to obtain new support bullets. Feels good!]
[Ey! Are you saying you acquired another new bullet aside from the Raging Bullet? What is it?]
[That… is a secret! But I’ll consider it if you ask nicely.]
[Hey, Fate.]
[What is it?]
[I think I want to become stronger as well. At least as strong as I was in my prime. Then, I’ll settle things with him.]
Even so, once that one matter is resolved, Libra may end up attacking us, the owner of the Mortal Sin skill.
[When that time comes, I’ll help you out for sure.]
[Thank you, Fate.]
As we proceeded with our magic bikes running in parallel side by side, with Mimir driving the other one, we eventually came upon a carriage with a lot of luggage.
[Fai, what is that?]
[Doesn’t seem normal to me too.]
[We used to live in the oasis up ahead… but a man suddenly appeared and turned the entire town and oasis into a big crater.]
[Eris, what do you think about sending them to Lishua’s territory?]
[Right. It’s the closest settlement. With the monsters gotten rid of, logistics will soon recover as well. Isn’t that good?]
Eris then extracted a paper from her cleavage window, then gave that piece of paper to the coach driver.
[You can hand this over to the towns lord later on. And we’ll also escort you for a short while, to keep you all safe.]
[Thank you very much! Holy Knights-sama.]
[Umu, I’m not one actually, but whatever. It’s simpler that way.]