I know what you might be interested in now. You may be wondering about the outcome of the little dinner between me and Chef Rachel Rose the other day.
Well, it was a really good dinner. Maybe some of you are more interested in whether or not I got the types of dishes right, apart from the quality of the dishes. In fact, when I first went there, I felt the same way. But I don’t feel like that now.
First, let me mention the dishes. What came out as an appetizer, served with jelly sauce, was so good… When I finished eating, I had no choice but to realize that what I said was completely wrong.
Just a few weeks ago, I told you that no matter how good the dishes were, the reason we’re going to Rose Island was because we wanted to enjoy Chef Rachel Rose’s dishes. And I added that it would be a disservice to the customers if they were served the demi chefs’ dishes, not Rachel’s.
Well, I realized that I looked at only one side of the shield. I have come to realize it, and I now feel sorry for it. Even if the dishes were made by the demi chefs, it was Rachel who gave them the inputs on their recipes.
In other words, the demi chefs come up with an idea based on what they learned from Rachel, and they keep going through her review until their dishes are perfect. For example, when you make a fried egg right now, you don’t say the pan makes it. You make it, right?
Chef Rachel has been kind to me from start to finish. Instead of blaming this half-baked gourmet, she gave me a good lesson by serving me perfect dishes that would melt even my tongue. Thank you again for that.
I would like to apologize to all the chefs of Rose Island who felt offended by what I said. I deeply regret having recklessly commented that it would be ridiculing the customers if they were not served the head chef’s dishes when I didn’t even know the basic rules of the restaurant. I am really sorry about that.
There is a saying that being late is better than absence. It’s great for me to be able to realize my mistake belatedly. Thanks for reading my long article.
With respect,
As soon as he offered formal apologies in his blog, there were lots of comments about him.
└ High-class Watch: So what? In the end, did he give up because he didn’t figure out the difference between Chef Rachel’s dishes and the demi chefs’?
└ Breaking Pot: Hey, High-class Watch, do you think that’s what he was trying to say? He says apart from getting it right or wrong, he has come to understand and respect the process of the recipe. Do you get it?
└ Fabio da Cunha: @Breaking Pot By the way, don’t you think it’s a little weird? You know, before he went to Rose Island to test the dishes, he was full of hostility toward them, right? But he completely changed after he was done.
└ Breaking Pot: @Fabio da Cunha That’s why Rose Island is amazing. They have changed the guy’s hostile attitude so quickly.
└ Carol Lee: Honestly, what can a shallow gourmet like him do in the presence of the giant chef in the cooking world and the demi chef with a perfect palate? It’s just spitting on his own face if he tries to be conceited with his shallow knowledge of cooking.
└ Cynthia Dorado: After listening to you, I think you are right. Have you seen the edited version posted? Reading it, I knew he was rather nervous. I think there is no restaurant that makes gourmets nervous, not its chefs. Probably Rose Island is the only exception.
└ Carol Lee: @Cynthia Dorado Well, I just checked it. As you said, he was extremely scared and nervous. By the way, why did he post an edited version, not the original?
└ Cynthia Dorado: @Carol Lee Well, if he uploaded the original, he might have thought it might take too long. I wish he didn’t do it. Maybe there might be a lot of content in the edited section that contains the guy’s weakness? lol
└ Kaya Cho: @Cynthia Dorado Well, my boyfriend was at the scene. He said what you said was true. This gourmet allegedly acted like an idiot.
“Hey, delete that comment, Kaya.”
Min-joon, who kept reading the comments for a while, opened his mouth quietly.
Kaya, scrolling up and down her smartphone screen while sitting on the sofa, rolled her eyes and looked askance.
“Why? Did I write anything that might identify you?”
“If you want to ask me about it, you should have changed your name first.”
“So, I changed it to Kaya Cho, right? Oh, should I have changed it to Cho Kaya?”
be a nephew, not Kaya Cho?”
“Well, that sounds funny. You are not married to me yet, right? Why are you using my last name?”
“Oh, I just wrote it because I didn’t have anything to do. Don’t be picky about it.”
Kaya frowned and stared at him sharply. He leaned against the sofa with an embarrassed expression.
Anderson, who was next to him, shook his head, clicking his tongue.
Then he looked back and said, “They are what you call a ‘lovey-dovey couple.’ Isn’t it funny?”
What he turned to was a half man and half machine. To be more specific, he was a cameraman holding a camera. More specifically, there were three cameramen.
They were sent to film the episodes about how the Grand Chef Top Ten participants were doing these days. One cameraman was assigned to each participant. So, Three cameramen were here to shoot the scenes of Kaya, Min-joon, and Anderson.
The cameraman assigned to Anderson asked, “How did you come to live with them?”
“Well, I would say by chance. As it turned out, we ran into each other here in Los Angeles by chance. Besides, we were so close that it’s enough to live together. That’s all.”
“From what I heard, it seems that Chloe also planned to live with you…”
“That’s right, but she gave up because her schedule didn’t fit.”
Anderson replied in a calm voice.
At that moment, Min-joon cleared his throat and looked at the cameraman.
“Can I ask you something, cameraman?”
“Do you know how Marco is doing these days?”
“Ah! Marco? Didn’t you hear about him yet?”
“No. In fact, I have lost track of him lately.”
“I see. I hear that something very bad happened to Mr. Marco recently.”
“Really? What happened?”
“Well, I’m afraid…”
The cameraman glanced at his camera with an embarrassed look. Was it difficult for him to talk about it while he is filming? Kaya suddenly looked at the cameraman, sitting straight.
She then said in a sharp voice, “What the heck is this? If you can’t say it on air, you can just edit it later, right?”
“It’s not easy to edit… Oh, let me just tell you now. In fact, Mr. Marco has been swindled. Oh, I think I have to be careful here. It would be more correct to say he has been exploited.”
“What the hell are you talking about? Can you tell me about it clearly, so I can understand better?”
“Well, it’s a long story. You remember the Grand Chef competition you participated in was very popular during this season, right?”
“Yes, I know. It was really popular. I hear it produced one of the best chefs ever,” Kaya nodded, responding confidently.
Anderson cast a sharp glance at her as if he was blaming her conceited attitude, but even before she noticed it, the cameraman said without the hint of a smile.
“After the Grand Chef competition, Mr. Marco has also become very popular. Of course, he himself was quite a star. That’s why he was scouted… I wonder if they treated him as a chef star and not a patissier at that bakery.”
“Do you mean they used him for publicity then fired him?”
“Of course not. If you do that in a country like the United States, dubbed “the country of suing people,” your house and bakery will go to ruin.”
“Then, what’s the problem?”
“Well, they didn’t give him due treatment,” said the cameraman casually.
At that moment, Min-joon, Kaya, and Anderson narrowed their eyes because the cameraman didn’t explain enough.
But the cameraman said, not caring about their strange gaze, “What I heard was that the bakery promoted Marco as something like a mascot, but he was not in charge of the bread recipe. The owner was also a baker, so he took the lead in developing recipes on his own.”
“In that case, could Marco sue him?”
“Well, I’m sure it’s going to be a pretty difficult trial if he decides to sue. I think Marco chose to just ignore it rather than spending lots of time preparing for the trial.”
“That’s why I couldn’t contact him,” Min-joon said with a heavy expression.
He recalled Marco’s happy expression when he said he was scouted by a bakery.
Anderson muttered in a harsh voice like a wild dog, “I think those who mess with others’ dreams are all trash.”
“Did everyone know about Marco’s case?”
“I think so. Those in the know are familiar with his case. Of course, the general public are kept in the dark even now,” the cameraman replied calmly to Kaya’s question.
After checking her smartphone in her hand, she looked at Min-joon and said, “Shall I post an article on this on the internet? If people know, the bakery could go bankrupt overnight…”
“Hey, don’t do it,” Min-joon cut her off harshly.
While she was speaking to him in excitement, she suddenly flinched and looked at him.
His expression showed that he was obviously upset. In some respects, he might be more upset than her because she could hardly find any kindness or warm-heartedness in his fierce eyes at the moment.
Kaya asked carefully, “Why not?”
“It’s Marco’s job. Marco could have posted it on the internet to get public support for his case. If he didn’t do that, it means he didn’t want it. None of our business. We don’t have to do it on his behalf,” Min-joon replied.