In fact, things such as beauty pills and slimming pills had long been created and registered for sale in the market.
However, their pricing was very high, so high that many people could not afford it.
A beauty pill cost tens of thousands of dollars, and many people did not earn that much in a year.
So, Hongyan Youth didn’t advertise these things either.
They just put out a bottle on the counter with the price written on it.
When people saw the price, they would back off, so how dare they look further?
Therefore, the customers who bought these pills were rich people.
Nowadays, many of the artists in the Hua entertainment industry were the main customers of these pills, and the socialites were also loyal customers.
However, Hongyan Youth had not been advertised to the public, so not many people abroad knew about it.
Moreover, this kind of stuff sounded so miraculous, it made people suspicious.
If it weren’t for the domestic Hongyan Beauty Clubs, there probably wouldn’t be so many customers.
Nora had never heard of such things before either.
On top of that, she hadn’t even heard of the Hongyan Youth brand. After all, Hongyan Youth hadn’t been advertised abroad yet.
The production of Hongyan Youth had increased a lot more, but it still had to supply the domestic market first.
There were a lot of people who didn’t have money, but there were also a lot of people who did have money. They would not let go of what was good for them.
Expensive? As long as it was useful!
While the domestic market had been opened, Hongyan Youth also wanted to develop in foreign markets, and was waiting for the right time.
Of course Xia Xibei, as the spokesperson and shareholder of Hongyan Youth, had to make a contribution.
Nora was a big star in M and was well known, so it was definitely a good idea to start with her.
With Xia Xibei present, Nora was quickly convinced.
After the afternoon training, the two of them returned to the hotel, and Xia Xibei gave her two pills.
In order to dispel Nora’s suspicions, she also logged on to the website and pulled up the instructions for the pills.
After that, Nora took the pills and left.
As for whether Nora would really take the pills afterwards, Xia Xibei was confident.
As a star, you couldn’t just eat anything, particularly this kind of incredulous-sounding miracle medicine.
These pills were black and looked vague, so who knew what was in them?
If something happened after eating it, what could be done?
So, Nora would definitely do some checking when she gets back.
However, Xia Xibei was not worried.
These things were not from unknown sources, and there were many consumers. As long as Nora went to check, she would naturally know the truth.
After selling the slimming pills to Nora, Xia Xibei’s target turned to another person.
Callas from Y.
Callas was an actor from country Y, and was also a very popular actor internationally.
He had a great body and face, and was a god to many people.
However, he had a very troublesome problem: hair loss.
Due to the air and water quality in Y, many Y men had this problem.
No matter how handsome a man was, as long as he lost his hair, he would look very bad.
Callas was not yet at the point of complete hair loss, but his hairline had already started to move up.
In a few years, he would be really bald.
How awful to be in your prime and go bald!
He had spent a lot of time and effort to solve this problem, but it still didn’t work.
So, Xia Xibei was going to convert him into a loyal client of Hongyan Youth!