When she realized where she was, Silje shook herself awake from her dreamlike state.
How did she get here?
After saying goodbye to Irina, she left the cafeteria and walked aimlessly until now. It wasn’t like she was drunk, so why was she here?
The fact that she came here was… telling. Subconsciously, she must’ve been seeking an answer to her problem, and her body brought her here.
When Silje realized this was what she secretly wanted, her body shook. She had come to see Kail.
Was… was this really what she wanted?
Silje smiled bitterly. She hadn’t realized it, or perhaps she just wanted to deny it, but it seemed that she wanted Kail to help the Pakistani boy.
She bit her lips silently.
It wasn’t too late. She could just go back before Kail saw her of course.
She was determined to leave without being noticed, but when she turned around, she bumped into someone.
It was Dolf who was staring at her. He was one of Silje’s classmates and a member of Kail’s gang. Seeing the very tall Dolf, Silje started to panic.
He asked interestedly, “What are you doing here?”
“It’s nothing, Dolf.”
Silje shook her head nervously and tried to calmly walk away, but Dolf followed her.
Turning around, she warned him coldly.
“You better stop following me.”
Tall Dolf stopped with a frown and looked down at her. He asked, “You are Silje Kim Pettersen, right? Kail has been very interested in you nowadays.”
“It’s none of your business, Dolf.”
She didn’t want to deal with him right now, but Dolf grinned and continued, “Did you meet with Kail just now? Didn’t you come here to see him?”
“You are mistaken, Dolf. It’s not like that.”
Silje started to walk away briskly, but Kail’s minion was very persistent.
“Then do you want me to tell Kail that you stopped by his classroom? How about that?”
At Dolf’s suggestion, Silje became rigid. She turned around to face him.
“Don’t tell Kail. There is no need for it.”
When she became angry, Dolf shrugged his shoulders. He just scratched his head awkwardly and replied, “If you don’t want me to, I won’t. I won’t tell Kail that you came by.”
“Thank you, Dolf. Just leave me alone and go somewhere else, will you?”
‘Get lost!’
At her insistence, Dolf grinned and started to walk away, and she did the same in the opposite direction.
Even as she walked away, she couldn’t shake away the bad feeling about all this. Of all people, why did she have to be seen by one of Kail’s boys?
She felt anxious. She had to get away from this place as quick as possible. She walked fast and she was about to leave the hallway where Kail’s classroom was, but when she was about to feel relieved, she saw ahead white smoke coming out from Kail’s classroom window.
When she saw the thin white cloud, Silje wasn’t surprised. In fact, she had a feeling that this was going to happen.
As she expected, a seductive voice tickled her ears.
“Where are you going so hurriedly? I want to know.”
Silje asked in an icy voice, “Your crony already reported to you that I was here, right?”
Kail laughed quietly, but he didn’t look happy. He was standing in the shadows, and his eyes were staring at her with shocking seriousness.
He was tasting her with a determined look in his eyes. Kail wasn’t going to let this chance slip through his fingers.
Silje got goosebumps as she watched him staring back at her. She realized then that it was very likely that she wouldn’t be able to escape him.
After today, she knew that her further rejections and refusals would be useless. They would only excite him more, as if she was taunting him to hunt her.
There was now no way for her to refuse him.
She had crossed the invisible line into his territory and there was no going back, no escape from his grasp.
His stare wrapped around her body like a snake did to its prey. She knew she was in danger.
As if to prove that her instinct was right, he exhaled another white puff and asked meaningfully, “Why did you come to me?”
He then patted her hair gently before pulling her towards him. His lips licked her red lips possessively.
The wolf king marked its prey. As if he owned her, he gave her a hot kiss and all Silje could do was inhale breathlessly.
Her cheeks reddened and seeing Silje flustered made Kail laugh smoothly.
She suddenly realized what happened. Silje bit her lips and stepped back.
“What do you think you’re doing?”
Kail looked at her with amusement.
“It’s you who came to me, isn’t that right?”
“Even then, it doesn’t give you the right to do whatever you want.”
“Why does it matter? I want you and that’s all that matters.”
An eloquent answer. In this moment, his lazy and sexy voice filled the space between them. Kail still looked amused as he got rid of his cigarette.
He asked, “Fine. Let’s hear why you came here to see me. Tell me the reason for your visit.”
Silje knew she had made an incredible mistake.
And it was too late.
She knew she had to give him a clear answer or else he wasn’t going to let her go. The look he gave her said so.
Still, Silje tried to brush him off.
“There is no need for you to know. It wasn’t anything important.”
Her voice was firm, but Kail didn’t budge.
He was like a rock, and with his eyes, he demanded the truth from her. He was not going to let her go without it.
Silje continued, “You don’t want to hear it, so can’t you just let me go?”
“Unfortunately, I don’t want to.”
Kail grinned at her sarcastically and crossed his arms. He was determined.
“I need to hear why you came here. I doubt you came all the way here to see me for no reason. Am I wrong?”
He was laughing at her.
His red lips smiled languidly as he was clearly enjoying this situation. She was the prey that entered his territory.
But Silje had no intention of encouraging this hunt. She shook her head firmly and replied, “I will say it again. I didn’t come here for something. Don’t make it into something when it’s nothing. I will go now.”
When she tried to leave, Kail silently grabbed her hand to stop her.
“I will say it again as well. I know for a fact that you wouldn’t come to see me for no reason, so tell me what you want. Who knows? Maybe I can give you what you need.”
Before she could stop him, he started to walk while still holding her hand. It seemed like he was done with this pointless conversation.
“Hey, Kail! Let me go.”
She screamed, but he wouldn’t listen. His large hand was holding hers like a handcuff.
Silje started to panic.
“I said, let me go! What are you doing? Can’t you hear what I’m saying?”
Kail ignored her and continued to drag her away.