Chapter 644: Besiege Translator: Halcyon Translations Editor: Halcyon Translations
It was rare for 60,000 players to be in one place for you to see with your own eyes.
It was in this moment that the members of Ruling Sword understood how big their guild truly was. Many players who hadn’t experienced a large guild activity in a while were given a shocking reminder.
Lu Li looked calm, but he was somewhat agitated.
Most of his previous activities did not require these kinds of excessive numbers; this was the first ever guild-wide activity. Discounting the few hundred players that weren’t online, even the dozens of Trade Skill players were sprawled across the beach.
However, the role of these Trade Skill players were not to be underestimated. They provided the guild with a large number of potions, equipment and other items.
They also knew that they had limited effectiveness against the monsters, so their approach was different. They were going to harvest everything and leave nothing behind.
After all, wasn’t this a new map? The herbs, minerals, animal skins and even the fish in the sea were all theirs for the taking. They vowed to take them all and leave nothing valuable behind.
“Advance!” Square Root 3 issued the command and the tens of thousands of players swarmed in like locusts.
The nearby orangutans quickly noticed the invaders, but they were just level 40 Elite monsters and were overwhelmed by the sheer number of skills being cast.
The Trade Skill players had never enjoyed fighting monsters this much.
These monsters that were able to one-shot them didn’t stand a chance against the large mob of players. As they were unable to fight back, the vulnerable Trade Skill players weren’t in any danger at all.
Of course, Trade Skill players were generally low-levelled and had low attack. Many of them were only able to deal a single digit amount of damage, or missed their targets entirely.
At the same time, even more Trade Skill players were already hard at work. The island was quite humid, which meant that all kinds of herbs could grow here. Moreover, the earth’s crust often changed which resulted in particularly rich mineral deposits. As for the Skinners, this was heaven – there were countless orangutan bodies on which they could demonstrate their skills.
The elite orangutan’s fur was one of the best Silver Items for a Tailor.
“Choose a portion of players that are level 35 and above to fight the Boss with me,” Lu Li instructed Square Root 3. He rarely participated in directing guild combat.
Perhaps it was because of his abilities, but Lu Li had become notorious for his commanding ability. In reality, he was just good at making of use of people’s strengths.
Square Root 3 was skilled at pooling resources and finding the most suitable player. As such, he was the management officer and wasn’t directly related to the fighting.
The co-operation between the two of them had always been an unspoken understanding, and together, they constituted a very distinctive leadership team in Ruling Sword.
Square Root 3 quickly assigned roles and pooled together 500 players who would go with Lu Li to fight the Boss. The others would continue clearing out the island and would keep an eye out for any fresh respawns.
The 500 players were more and enough. Lu Li made the Xin Xin Mercenary Group the main offensive force while the other players were to provide support. They quickly arrived at the site of the Skymane Gorilla.
Everything was exactly like before. Many days had passed, but nothing had changed.
There were just a few higher-level elites, possibly because of the way Lu Li targeted them previously.
If it was just Lu Li, he would have turned around at the sight of this line up, but now, he had basically made this island his home turf. In addition, he also had 500 players supporting him.
With such a composition, a level 45 Wild Boss was no problem – they could even beat a level 50…
Well, perhaps not a level 50 Boss for now, but that was how they felt when they stood side by side with their fellow teammates.
The Skymane Gorilla had discovered their presence.
It didn’t have intelligence like the NPCs, but as a Wild Boss, it could recognize a threat when it appeared.
It dragged its long arms along the ground and let out a loud, unceasing cry.
The Orangutans everywhere on the island responded to its call, but they also let out a pitiful cry as they were blocked by an unstoppable force.
If they were only 3000, they would have been defeated, but they had 60,000!
The Skymane Gorilla’s blue hair turned red when it saw that it didn’t have the help of its brothers. In its desperation, it appeared as though its strength had actually increased.
However, Lu Li couldn’t wait any longer; he rode his Headless Warhorse and calmly started assigning the quest.
The Elite Gorillas were the first objectives that needed to be cleared. Four to five main tanks rushed directly at the Boss, each of them covered by several Healers to support them.
This was the right way to fight the Boss!
At this point, a vast amount of information had been relayed by the spies. There were other guilds who also had access to this area and they were rallying their members to steal and destroy…
However, when they tried to determine the coordinates, they were dumbfounded.
It was on the ocean?
How was this possible? None of the System’s ship routes coincided with those coordinates. It was extremely difficult to make the System’s ships change course, so how else would they get to that location?
They had no choice but to swim!
It wasn’t like the distance to the shore was light-years away – they could probably get there in an hour.
They all jumped in quite quickly, but were also sinking quite quickly as well. A group of piranha-like fish rushed towards the area; it was a feast.
The situation was even more desperate than when they were trying to get to the captain!
Although there were monsters on the way, they could work hard and eventually get there. But, given how much sea there was between them, everyone could only look onwards with disappointment.
The leader of this expedition sighed before helplessly commanding a retreat.
Lu Li had also received the news about this, but he wasn’t worried at all. He was just focused on leading these players in fighting the Boss.
It was a pity that this was a different situation – otherwise, he wouldn’t have minded screwing over those players again like last time.
“Those tanking damage, make sure you use your damage reduction skills. When you drop to half HP, pull out and let someone else take your place. Melee players stay back and fight the smaller mobs.”
Lu Li had arranged this with Square Root 3 previously, but the main offensive power of this force was in the ranged units. Excluding the Main Tanks, there weren’t many melee players around.
The Skymane Gorilla had used a rock throw when chasing Lu Li, and was now mainly using this skill.
As long as it hit, those in the center would most likely get one-shot, while those in the periphery would lose at least half their HP. He allowed those players to fall back and regenerate their HP before returning. They had so many players anyway, so they could afford that luxury.