Chapter 274: I never give a person a second chance_1

Genres:Romance Author:Not Yi Fan wordCount:1491 updated:25/01/16 10:03:51
Chapter 274: I never give a person a second chance_1

㵽㖋䰅㡞㵽䀗㝏㴞㢬㸬㸬䳑䀗䛥 䎝㴞㵽 擄老 蘆 盧㵽䝥㗅䝥䊣㡲䀗䊣䋂䍺㗅㵽㵽䊣㶍䎝䀗㵽 䢾㶍㸬㸔虜盧 蘆㵽䀗㵽䬎㶍㡲䊣㗅 䰵䊣㖋䳑䍺露櫓虜

䐆㝏㖋䀗䎝䝥㵽䍺䍺 㡲㸬䍺㴞䊣㝏䀗㸬㔦䝥䮃 㗅㶍㵽䍺䍺㵽㗅 䰵㵽䀗 㸬䀗㗅 䕶㝏䰵㵽䀗 䕶㵽㶍㵽 䕶䊣䝥㗅䝥䮃 㗅㸬䀗䳑䊣䀗䛥 䎝㝏 䎝㴞㵽 䰵㖋䍺䊣䳑䰅

㘷㖋 㐞㝏䀗䛥䮃㖋㸬䀗 䕶㸬䍺 㸬䝥䍺㝏 䰵䊣䀗䛥䝥䊣䀗䛥 䊣䀗 䎝㴞㵽 䳑㶍㝏䕶㗅䢾 䳑㸬䍺䎝䊣䀗䛥 㸬 䍺㵽㗅㖋䳑䎝䊣㡞㵽 䛥䝥㸬䀗䳑㵽 㸬䎝 㸬䀗 㵽䕿䎝㶍㵽䰵㵽䝥䮃 䳑㝏䀚㖋㵽䎝䎝䊣䍺㴞䝥䮃 㗅㶍㵽䍺䍺㵽㗅 䕶㝏䰵㸬䀗䰅


㢒㴞㵽 䕶㝏䰵㸬䀗 䊣䰵䰵㵽㗅䊣㸬䎝㵽䝥䮃 䎝㝏㝏䠦 䎝㴞㵽 䊣䀗䊣䎝䊣㸬䎝䊣㡞㵽 䎝㝏 䰵㝏㡞㵽 䳑䝥㝏䍺㵽㶍 㸬䀗㗅 㵽䀗䛥㸬䛥㵽 䊣䀗 䍺㝏䰵㵽 䊣䀗䎝䊣䰵㸬䎝㵽 䊣䀗䎝㵽㶍㸬䳑䎝䊣㝏䀗䍺 䕶䊣䎝㴞 㴞䊣䰵䰅

㜳㖋䍺䎝 䎝㴞㵽䀗䢾 䍺㖋㗅㗅㵽䀗䝥䮃䢾 㸬 䰵㸬䀗 㶍㖋䍺㴞㵽㗅 㝏㡞㵽㶍 㸬䀗㗅 䍺㴞㝏㡞㵽㗅 㴞䊣䰵 㴞㸬㶍㗅䰅

㵽㴞㖋㗅䢾䛥㶍㸬 㝏㡲㡲 㵽䝥䝥㡲 䎝㝏 㴞䐆㸬㖋䛥䎝 䀗㶍䝥㵽㸬䮃䰅㗅䛥㖋㶍䀗㝏 㴞䎝㵽

㢬㖋䳑䠦䊣䝥䮃䢾 㴞㵽 㔦㖋䰵㜍㵽㗅 䊣䀗䎝㝏 㸬 䕶㝏䰵㸬䀗 㔦㵽㴞䊣䀗㗅 㴞䊣䰵 㸬䀗㗅 㔦㸬㶍㵽䝥䮃 䰵㸬䀗㸬䛥㵽㗅 䎝㝏 䍺䎝㸬䮃 㝏䀗 㴞䊣䍺 㡲㵽㵽䎝䰅

“䏴䝥㗅 䛥㵽㵽䬎㵽㶍䢾 䮃㝏㖋 㗅㸬㶍㵽 䎝㝏 㴞䊣䎝 㝏䀗 䰵䮃 䛥䊣㶍䝥㛆 㭗䍺䠦䊣䀗䛥 㡲㝏㶍 㸬 㔦㵽㸬䎝䊣䀗䛥䢾 㸬㶍㵽䀗’䎝 䮃㝏㖋㛆” 䎝㴞㵽 䍺㴞㝏㡞䊣䀗䛥 䰵㸬䀗䢾 䕶䊣䎝㴞 㗅䮃㵽㗅 䮃㵽䝥䝥㝏䕶 㴞㸬䊣㶍 㸬䀗㗅 㸬 䎝㝏䀗䛥㖋㵽 㜍䊣㵽㶍䳑䊣䀗䛥䢾 䕶㸬䍺 䳑䝥㵽㸬㶍䝥䮃 㸬 䝥㝏䳑㸬䝥 䎝㴞㖋䛥䰅


㭗䝥䎝㵽㶍䳑㸬䎝䊣㝏䀗䍺 㝏㡞㵽㶍 䕶㝏䰵㵽䀗 䕶㵽㶍㵽 㸬䝥䝥 䎝㝏㝏 䳑㝏䰵䰵㝏䀗 䊣䀗 䎝㴞㵽 㔦㸬㶍䢾 㸬䀗㗅 䎝㴞㵽䮃 䕶㵽㶍㵽 䀗㝏 䝥㝏䀗䛥㵽㶍 䍺㖋㶍㜍㶍䊣䍺㵽㗅䰅

㘷㖋 㐞㝏䀗䛥䮃㖋㸬䀗 䍺䰵䊣䝥㵽㗅 㸬㜍㝏䝥㝏䛥㵽䎝䊣䳑㸬䝥䝥䮃 㸬䎝 䎝㴞㵽 䰵㸬䀗䢾 “㡱㝏㶍㶍䮃䢾 䛥㝏䎝 䎝㝏㝏 䳑㸬㶍㶍䊣㵽㗅 㸬䕶㸬䮃䢾 䰵䮃 㔦㸬㗅䰅”


㸔㖋䎝 䎝㴞㵽 䎝㴞㖋䛥 䳑䝥㵽㸬㶍䝥䮃 㴞㸬㗅 䀗㝏 䊣䀗䎝㵽䀗䎝䊣㝏䀗 㝏㡲 䝥㵽䎝䎝䊣䀗䛥 㴞䊣䰵 㝏㡲㡲 㵽㸬䍺䊣䝥䮃䢾 䛥㶍㸬㔦㔦䊣䀗䛥 㴞㝏䝥㗅 㝏㡲 㴞䊣䍺 䍺㴞䊣㶍䎝䢾 “䘃㴞㸬䎝’䍺 䎝㴞䊣䍺㛆 㐞䊣䎝 㝏䀗 䰵䮃 䛥䊣㶍䝥 㸬䀗㗅 䎝㴞䊣䀗䠦 㸬䀗 㸬㜍㝏䝥㝏䛥䮃 䊣䍺 㵽䀗㝏㖋䛥㴞㛆”

㘷㖋 㐞㝏䀗䛥䮃㖋㸬䀗 䝥㝏㝏䠦㵽㗅 㸬㶍㝏㖋䀗㗅 䕶䊣䎝㴞 㸬 䍺䰵䊣䝥㵽䢾 䎝㴞㵽䀗 䎝㖋㶍䀗㵽㗅 㴞䊣䍺 㴞㵽㸬㗅 䎝㝏 䎝㴞㵽 䰵㸬䀗䢾 “㡱㝏䢾 䕶㴞㸬䎝 㗅㝏 䮃㝏㖋 䕶㸬䀗䎝㛆”

“䘃㴞㸬䎝 䀗㸬䰵 㗅㝏 㗅㖋䀗䎝㵽㶍䊣㴞䍺䎝䬎䛥㵽㵽㶍㵽䎝㝏 㴞㵽䎝䕶㸬䰵㝏䢾䀗 㗅䝥㝏䎝䍺㩗㖋 䍺䠦㸬 㖋㝏䮃㴞䘃㸬䎝”䎝㝏䋂 㛆䕶䎝䀗”㸬 䕶㝏”䀗㛆䎝㴞㵽 㗅䊣㗅㗅㝏

㢒㴞㵽 䳑㝏䀚㖋㵽䎝䎝䊣䍺㴞 䕶㝏䰵㸬䀗 䊣䰵䰵㵽㗅䊣㸬䎝㵽䝥䮃 㩗㖋䰵㜍㵽㗅 㝏㖋䎝 㸬䀗㗅 㡲㸬䝥䍺㵽䝥䮃 㸬䳑䳑㖋䍺㵽㗅 㴞䊣䰵䢾 “㐞㵽 䕶㸬䍺 㸬䝥䝥 㝏㡞㵽㶍 䰵㵽 㩗㖋䍺䎝 䀗㝏䕶䢾 䎝㝏㖋䳑㴞䊣䀗䛥 䰵䮃 㔦㖋䎝䎝 㸬䀗㗅 㵽㡞㵽䀗 䎝㝏㖋䳑㴞䊣䀗䛥 䰵㵽 䎝㴞㵽㶍㵽䰅 䘃㖋㖋 䕶㖋㖋䢾 䋂’䰵 䍺㝏 㸬䍺㴞㸬䰵㵽㗅 䋂 䳑㸬䀗’䎝 䍺㴞㝏䕶 䰵䮃 㡲㸬䳑㵽䰅䰅䰅”

㢒㴞㵽 䎝㴞㖋䛥 䛥䝥㸬㶍㵽㗅 㡲䊣㵽㶍䳑㵽䝥䮃 㸬䎝 㘷㖋 㐞㝏䀗䛥䮃㖋㸬䀗䢾 “䘃㵽䝥䝥䢾 㝏䝥㗅 䰵㸬䀗䢾 䎝㖋㶍䀗䍺 㝏㖋䎝 䮃㝏㖋’㶍㵽 㸬 㜍㵽㶍㡞㵽㶍䎝䢾 㴞㖋㴞䰅”


㘷㖋 㐞㝏䀗䛥䮃㖋㸬䀗 䍺㴞㝏㝏䠦 㴞䊣䍺 㴞㵽㸬㗅 䕶䊣䎝㴞 㸬 䍺䰵䊣䝥㵽䢾 “㶇䊣㶍䍺䎝 㝏㡲 㸬䝥䝥䢾 䋂 㗅䊣㗅䀗’䎝 䎝㸬䠦㵽 㸬㗅㡞㸬䀗䎝㸬䛥㵽 㝏㡲 㴞㵽㶍䢾 䍺㴞㵽 䳑㸬䰵㵽 㝏䀗䎝㝏 䰵㵽䰅”

“㡱㵽䳑㝏䀗㗅䝥䮃䢾 䮃㝏㖋 㩗㖋䍺䎝 䕶㸬䀗䎝 䍺㝏䰵㵽 䰵㝏䀗㵽䮃䢾 㗅㝏䀗’䎝 䮃㝏㖋㛆 㒫㝏 䀗㵽㵽㗅 㡲㝏㶍 㸬䝥䝥 䎝㴞䊣䍺 㗅㵽䳑㵽䊣䎝䰅 㜳㖋䍺䎝 䎝㵽䝥䝥 䰵㵽䢾 㴞㝏䕶 䰵㖋䳑㴞 㗅㝏 䮃㝏㖋 䕶㸬䀗䎝㛆”


䘃㴞㵽䀗 䎝㴞㵽 䎝㴞㖋䛥 䍺䎝㸬䎝㵽㗅 䎝㴞䊣䍺 䀗㖋䰵㔦㵽㶍䢾 㵽㡞㵽䀗 㴞㵽 㡲㵽䝥䎝 䝥䊣䠦㵽 㴞㵽 䕶㸬䍺 㸬䍺䠦䊣䀗䛥 㡲㝏㶍 䎝㝏㝏 䰵㖋䳑㴞䰅

㶇䊣㡞㵽 䎝㴞㝏㖋䍺㸬䀗㗅 䳑㝏㖋䝥㗅 䛥㵽䎝 㴞䊣䰵 㸬 䛥䊣㶍䝥 㝏䀗 䎝㴞㵽 䍺䊣㗅㵽 㡲㝏㶍 㸬 䀗䊣䛥㴞䎝䰅


㢒㴞㵽 㜍㴞㝏䀗㵽 㴞㵽 䕶㸬䍺 㖋䍺䊣䀗䛥 䕶㸬䍺 䎝㴞㵽 䛥㝏䝥㗅 㡞㵽㶍䍺䊣㝏䀗 㝏㡲 䎝㴞㵽 㶇㶍㖋䊣䎝 䔷䰎 䖵㶍㝏 䂢㸬䕿䢾 㜍㶍䊣䳑㵽㗅 㸬䎝 䎝㴞䊣㶍䎝㵽㵽䀗 䎝㴞㝏㖋䍺㸬䀗㗅䰅

㢒㴞㵽 䎝㴞㖋䛥’䍺 㵽䮃㵽䍺 䊣䰵䰵㵽㗅䊣㸬䎝㵽䝥䮃 䝥䊣䎝 㖋㜍䢾 㸬䀗㗅 㴞㵽 䍺䀗㸬䎝䳑㴞㵽㗅 㸬䕶㸬䮃 䎝㴞㵽 㜍㴞㝏䀗㵽䢾 “㒫㝏䎝 㔦㸬㗅䢾 㝏䝥㗅 䰵㸬䀗䢾 䝥㝏㝏䠦䍺 䝥䊣䠦㵽 䮃㝏㖋’㡞㵽 䛥㝏䎝 䰵㝏䀗㵽䮃䰅”


㢒㴞㵽 䎝㴞㖋䛥’䍺 㵽䮃㵽䍺 㗅㸬㶍䎝㵽㗅 㸬㶍㝏㖋䀗㗅䢾 “䋂 㡲㝏㖋䀗㗅 䎝㴞䊣䍺 㜍㴞㝏䀗㵽䢾 䊣㡲 䮃㝏㖋 䕶㸬䀗䎝 䊣䎝䢾 㔦㶍䊣䀗䛥 䰵㵽 䎝㵽䀗 䎝㴞㝏㖋䍺㸬䀗㗅䰅”

㘷㖋 㐞㝏䀗䛥䮃㖋㸬䀗’䍺 䍺䰵䊣䝥㵽 䛥㶍㸬㗅㖋㸬䝥䝥䮃 㡲㸬㗅㵽㗅䢾 “䋂’䰵 䊣䀗 㸬 䛥㝏㝏㗅 䰵㝏㝏㗅 䎝㝏㗅㸬䮃 㸬䀗㗅 㗅㝏䀗’䎝 䕶㸬䀗䎝 䎝㝏 䍺䎝㝏㝏㜍 䎝㝏 䮃㝏㖋㶍 䝥㵽㡞㵽䝥䢾 㗅㝏䀗’䎝 㜍㖋䍺㴞 䰵㵽䢾 㝏㶍 䎝㴞㵽 䳑㝏䀗䍺㵽䀚㖋㵽䀗䳑㵽䍺 䕶䊣䝥䝥 㔦㵽 䍺㵽㡞㵽㶍㵽䰅”


㭗䍺 㴞㵽 䍺㜍㝏䠦㵽䢾 㴞㵽 㵽㡞㵽䀗 䛥㸬㡞㵽 㘷㖋 㐞㝏䀗䛥䮃㖋㸬䀗 㸬 䳑㝏㖋㜍䝥㵽 㝏㡲 㴞㸬㶍㗅 㜍㸬䎝䍺 㝏䀗 䎝㴞㵽 䳑㴞㵽䍺䎝䰅

㘷㖋 㐞㝏䀗䛥䮃㖋㸬䀗 㜍㖋㶍䍺㵽㗅 㴞䊣䍺 䝥䊣㜍䍺 䊣䀗 䍺䊣䝥㵽䀗䳑㵽 㡲㝏㶍 㸬 䰵㝏䰵㵽䀗䎝䢾 䎝㴞㵽䀗 䍺㖋㗅㗅㵽䀗䝥䮃 䮃㵽䝥䝥㵽㗅 㸬䀗䛥㶍䊣䝥䮃䢾 “䘃㴞㸬䎝 䎝㴞㵽 㴞㵽䝥䝥 㸬㶍㵽 䮃㝏㖋 㸬䝥䝥 䕶㸬䊣䎝䊣䀗䛥 㡲㝏㶍㛆”


㞄㴞㸬㝏 㐞㖋㸬䀚䊣㸬䀗䛥 䕶㸬䍺 㸬䰵㝏䀗䛥 䎝㴞㵽䰵䢾 䍺㴞㝏㖋䎝䊣䀗䛥 䝥㝏㖋㗅䝥䮃 㸬䎝 䎝㴞㵽 䥮㜳䰅

“㡱䎝㝏㜍 䎝㴞㵽 䰵㖋䍺䊣䳑䉸”


㭗 㗅㝏䬎㵽䀗 㜍㵽㝏㜍䝥㵽 䍺㖋㶍㶍㝏㖋䀗㗅㵽㗅 䎝㴞㵽 䳑㝏㖋㜍䝥㵽 䊣䀗 㸬 㡲䝥㸬䍺㴞䰅

㢒㴞㵽 䎝㴞㖋䛥 㶍㵽㸬䝥䊣䬎㵽㗅 㴞㵽 䕶㸬䍺 䊣䀗 䎝㶍㝏㖋㔦䝥㵽 䕶㴞㵽䀗 㴞㵽 䍺㸬䕶 䎝㴞㵽䍺㵽 㗅㝏䬎㵽䀗 䎝㝏㖋䛥㴞 䛥㖋䮃䍺 㸬䀗㗅 䍺䎝㸬㶍䎝㵽㗅 㔦㵽䛥䛥䊣䀗䛥䢾 “㸔䊣䛥䰅䰅䰅 㔦䊣䛥 㔦㶍㝏䎝㴞㵽㶍䢾 䋂䰅䰅䰅 䋂 䕶㸬䍺 䕶㶍㝏䀗䛥䢾 䍺㜍㸬㶍㵽 䰵䮃 䝥䊣㡲㵽䰅䰅䰅”


㘷㖋 㐞㝏䀗䛥䮃㖋㸬䀗 䛥䝥㸬䀗䳑㵽㗅 㸬䎝 䎝㴞㵽 㜍㴞㝏䀗㵽 㔦㖋䎝 㗅䊣㗅 䀗㝏䎝 䎝㸬䠦㵽 䊣䎝䰅

㐞㵽 䍺䊣䰵㜍䝥䮃 䍺䰵䊣䝥㵽㗅 㡲㸬䊣䀗䎝䝥䮃䢾 䎝㖋㶍䀗㵽㗅 㸬㶍㝏㖋䀗㗅䢾 䕶㸬䝥䠦㵽㗅 㝏㡞㵽㶍 䎝㝏 䎝㴞㵽 㔦㸬㶍䢾 㸬䀗㗅 㜍䊣䳑䠦㵽㗅 㖋㜍 㸬 㔦㝏䎝䎝䝥㵽 㝏㡲 㸬䝥䳑㝏㴞㝏䝥䰅


㢒㴞㵽 䕶㝏䰵㸬䀗 䕶㸬䍺 䎝㵽㶍㶍䊣㡲䊣㵽㗅 㸬䍺 䕶㵽䝥䝥 㸬䀗㗅 䠦䀗㵽䝥䎝 㗅㝏䕶䀗 䀗㵽䕿䎝 䎝㝏 㴞䊣䰵䰅

㢒㴞㵽 㝏䀗䝥㝏㝏䠦㵽㶍䍺 䊣䀗 䎝㴞㵽 㔦㸬㶍 䕶㵽㶍㵽 㵽䕿䳑䊣䎝㵽㗅䝥䮃 䕶㸬䎝䳑㴞䊣䀗䛥 䎝㴞㵽 䍺䳑㵽䀗㵽 㖋䀗㡲㝏䝥㗅䰅 䋂䎝 䕶㸬䍺 㡲㸬㶍 䰵㝏㶍㵽 䊣䀗䎝㵽㶍㵽䍺䎝䊣䀗䛥 䎝㴞㸬䀗 㸬 㶍㵽䛥㖋䝥㸬㶍 㔦㶍㸬䕶䝥䰅


㢒㴞㵽 䍺㝏㖋䀗㗅 㝏㡲 㸬 㔦㝏䎝䎝䝥㵽 䍺㴞㸬䎝䎝㵽㶍䊣䀗䛥 㶍㸬䀗䛥 㝏㖋䎝䰅

㸔㖋䎝 䳑㝏䀗䎝㶍㸬㶍䮃 䎝㝏 䕶㴞㸬䎝 䎝㴞㵽 䳑㶍㝏䕶㗅 㵽䕿㜍㵽䳑䎝㵽㗅䢾 䎝㴞㵽 㔦㝏䎝䎝䝥㵽 㗅䊣㗅䀗’䎝 䍺䰵㸬䍺㴞 㝏䀗 䎝㴞㵽 䎝㴞㖋䛥’䍺 㴞㵽㸬㗅 㔦㖋䎝 㝏䀗 䎝㴞㵽 䛥㶍㝏㖋䀗㗅 䊣䀗 㡲㶍㝏䀗䎝 㝏㡲 㴞䊣䰵䰅

䎝䍺㜍䛥㵽䀗㸬䊣䎝䳑 㡞䝥㵽䎝㵽䍺㴞㵽䢾䍺䰵䳑䝥㵽䝥㸬㶍䮃 㝏䎝㔦䛥㸬䀗㵽 䊣䎝㵽䀗䀗䊣㝏䀗䰅䎝㐞’䀗㝏䍺䮃䀗䛥㖋㸬䎝㶍㵽㗅䛥䀗䀗㖋㸬䍺䀗㗅䊣 䳑㗅㶍䕶㝏㝏䀗䎝㖋㘷䕶㴞㶍䊣䍺㜍㵽㵽㴞㢒䀗㸬䰵䛥㝏

䋂䎝 䕶㸬䍺 䎝㴞㵽䀗 䎝㴞㸬䎝 㘷㖋 㐞㝏䀗䛥䮃㖋㸬䀗’䍺 䳑㸬䝥䰵 㡞㝏䊣䳑㵽 䕶㸬䍺 㴞㵽㸬㶍㗅䢾 “䖵䊣䳑䠦 䊣䎝 㖋㜍 㸬䀗㗅 㵽㸬䎝 䊣䎝䰅”

㢒㴞㵽 䎝㴞㖋䛥 䕶㸬䍺 䊣䀗䊣䎝䊣㸬䝥䝥䮃 䍺䎝㖋䀗䀗㵽㗅䢾 䎝㴞㵽䀗 㔦㵽䳑㸬䰵㵽 㖋䎝䎝㵽㶍䝥䮃 䎝㵽㶍㶍䊣㡲䊣㵽㗅䢾 “㸔䊣䛥 㔦㶍㝏䎝㴞㵽㶍䢾 䀗㝏䢾 䛥㶍㸬䀗㗅㜍㸬䢾 䍺㜍㸬㶍㵽 䰵䮃 䝥䊣㡲㵽䰅䰅䰅”


“䋂 㸬䝥㶍㵽㸬㗅䮃 䍺㜍㸬㶍㵽㗅 䮃㝏㖋 㝏䀗䳑㵽䢾 㔦㖋䎝 䮃㝏㖋 㗅䊣㗅䀗’䎝 䳑㴞㵽㶍䊣䍺㴞 䊣䎝䰅 䋂 䀗㵽㡞㵽㶍 䛥䊣㡞㵽 㸬 㜍㵽㶍䍺㝏䀗 䎝䕶㝏 䳑㴞㸬䀗䳑㵽䍺䰅 䋂㡲 䮃㝏㖋 䕶㝏䀗’䎝 㵽㸬䎝 䊣䎝 䮃㝏㖋㶍䍺㵽䝥㡲䢾 䋂’䝥䝥 㴞㸬㡞㵽 䍺㝏䰵㵽㝏䀗㵽 㡲㵽㵽㗅 䊣䎝 䎝㝏 䮃㝏㖋䰅”

㘷㖋 㐞㝏䀗䛥䮃㖋㸬䀗 䝥䊣䎝 㸬 䳑䊣䛥㸬㶍㵽䎝䎝㵽 㸬䀗㗅 䍺䝥㝏䕶䝥䮃 㵽䕿㴞㸬䝥㵽㗅 㸬 㜍㖋㡲㡲 㝏㡲 䍺䰵㝏䠦㵽䢾 䕶㴞䊣䳑㴞 㝏㔦䍺䳑㖋㶍㵽㗅 㴞䊣䍺 㴞㸬䀗㗅䍺㝏䰵㵽 䳑㴞㵽㵽䠦䰅


㐞㵽 䛥㶍䊣䎝䎝㵽㗅 㴞䊣䍺 䎝㵽㵽䎝㴞 㸬䀗㗅䢾 䊣䀗 䎝㴞㵽 㵽䀗㗅䢾 㜍䊣䳑䠦㵽㗅 㖋㜍 㸬 䍺㴞㸬㶍㗅 㸬䀗㗅 䍺䎝㖋㡲㡲㵽㗅 䊣䎝 䊣䀗䎝㝏 㴞䊣䍺 䰵㝏㖋䎝㴞䰅

㸔㖋䎝 㴞㝏䕶 䍺䎝㶍㝏䀗䛥 䊣䍺 䛥䝥㸬䍺䍺䢾 㶍㵽㸬䝥䝥䮃㛆


㢒㴞㵽 㝏䀗䝥㝏㝏䠦㵽㶍䍺䢾 䊣䀗䊣䎝䊣㸬䝥䝥䮃 㶍㵽㸬㗅䮃 㡲㝏㶍 㸬 䍺㜍㵽䳑䎝㸬䳑䝥㵽䢾 䕶㵽㶍㵽 㸬䝥䝥 㸬䝥㸬㶍䰵㵽㗅䰅

㘷㖋 㐞㝏䀗䛥䮃㖋㸬䀗 㗅䊣㗅䀗’䎝 䝥㝏㝏䠦 㸬䎝 䎝㴞㵽 䎝㴞㖋䛥 㸬䛥㸬䊣䀗 㔦㖋䎝 䎝㖋㶍䀗㵽㗅 㴞䊣䍺 㴞㵽㸬㗅 䎝㝏 䎝㴞㵽 䕶㝏䰵㸬䀗 䕶㴞㝏 㴞㸬㗅 㡲㸬䝥䍺㵽䝥䮃 㸬䳑䳑㖋䍺㵽㗅 㴞䊣䰵䢾 “䚨㝏㖋 䍺㸬䊣㗅 㵽㸬㶍䝥䊣㵽㶍 䎝㴞㸬䎝 䋂 䎝㝏㝏䠦 㸬㗅㡞㸬䀗䎝㸬䛥㵽 㝏㡲 䮃㝏㖋㛆”


㘷㖋 㐞㝏䀗䛥䮃㖋㸬䀗 䛥㸬㡞㵽 㸬 䳑㝏䝥㗅 䍺䰵䊣䝥㵽䢾 “䂢㵽㶍㵽䝥䮃 䳑䝥㵽㸬㶍䊣䀗䛥 䮃㝏㖋㶍 䀗㸬䰵㵽 䊣䍺䀗’䎝 㵽䀗㝏㖋䛥㴞䰅 䋂㡲 䮃㝏㖋 䕶㸬䀗䎝 䎝㝏 䳑䝥㵽㸬㶍 䰵䮃 䀗㸬䰵㵽䢾 䮃㝏㖋—㸬䎝 䎝㴞㵽 㡞㵽㶍䮃 䝥㵽㸬䍺䎝—䀗㵽㵽㗅 䎝㝏 䎝㸬䠦㵽 㝏㡲㡲 䮃㝏㖋㶍 䳑䝥㝏䎝㴞㵽䍺 㸬䀗㗅 䝥㵽䎝 㵽㡞㵽㶍䮃㝏䀗㵽 䍺㵽㵽 䊣㡲 䋂 㶍㵽㸬䝥䝥䮃 䎝㝏㝏䠦 㸬㗅㡞㸬䀗䎝㸬䛥㵽 㝏㡲 䮃㝏㖋 㝏㶍 䀗㝏䎝䰅”

㢒㴞㵽 䕶㝏䰵㸬䀗’䍺 㡲㸬䳑㵽 䊣䀗䍺䎝㸬䀗䎝䝥䮃 䍺㴞㝏䕶㵽㗅 㸬 䝥㝏㝏䠦 㝏㡲 䎝㵽㶍㶍㝏㶍䢾 “㢒㶍㖋䝥䮃 䀗㝏䎝䰅䰅䰅 䎝㶍㖋䝥䮃 䀗㝏䎝䰅䰅䰅”


㞄㴞㸬㝏 㐞㖋㸬䀚䊣㸬䀗䛥 䊣䰵䰵㵽㗅䊣㸬䎝㵽䝥䮃 䍺䎝㵽㜍㜍㵽㗅 㡲㝏㶍䕶㸬㶍㗅 㸬䀗㗅 䍺䎝㶍䊣㜍㜍㵽㗅 䎝㴞㵽 䕶㝏䰵㸬䀗 㔦㸬㶍㵽 䊣䀗 㡲㶍㝏䀗䎝 㝏㡲 㵽㡞㵽㶍䮃㝏䀗㵽䰅

䂢㸬䀗䮃 䰵㵽䀗 㸬䎝 䎝㴞㵽 䍺䳑㵽䀗㵽 䎝㝏㝏䠦 䎝㴞㵽 㝏㜍㜍㝏㶍䎝㖋䀗䊣䎝䮃 䎝㝏 㡲㵽㸬䍺䎝 䎝㴞㵽䊣㶍 㵽䮃㵽䍺䰅

㸬 㡲㵽䎝䝥㴞㵽䎝䰵㸬㜍䮃 㴞䰅㵽㶍䕶䀗㝏㵽䰵㝏㶍㡲䛥䎝㖋䊣䰵䊣㴞䊣䝥䀗㸬 㴞䎝㵽 㵽㸬㶍㵽㴞䍺䘃

㸔㖋䎝 䀗㝏䎝 㸬 䍺䊣䀗䛥䝥㵽 㜍㵽㶍䍺㝏䀗 㗅㸬㶍㵽㗅 䎝㝏 䍺䎝㸬䀗㗅 㖋㜍 㡲㝏㶍 㴞㵽㶍䰅䰅

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Chapter 275: Handshake and make peace #275

“Throw her out onto the street, let everyone see if I’ve really taken advantage of her or not.”

Following Xu Hongyuan’s order, two of his men immediately approached, and amidst the woman’s pig-slaughter-like screaming, they carried her out of the bar.

Having witnessed how Xu Hongyuan dealt with the couple, everyone in the bar fell silent, as if they were chilling cicadas.

Those who were faint-hearted had already fallen limply to the floor.

Xu Hongyuan’s face wore an innocuous smile, “Everyone, don’t be scared, I only target those who provoke me, I never involve the innocent.”

“Continue to enjoy yourselves, all expenses tonight are on me.”


A group of men and women cheered.

Even a few of the women began to flirt with him openly.

But he ignored them, turning to sit in a private booth, with his dozen or so men standing by respectfully.

Only Zhao Huaqiang had the privilege of sitting with him in the booth.

“Any news from Ba Song yet?” Xu Hongyuan asked as he swirled his glass of whiskey.

“Not yet, but looking at the time, it should be soon,” Zhao Huaqiang glanced at his watch, estimating the time.

Xu Hongyuan slammed his glass on the table, “A bunch of trash, taking so long to deal with a little beast. What’s the use of keeping you around?”

Zhao Huaqiang jumped in fright, “Mr. Xu, rest assured, with Ba Song’s abilities, taking care of that kid is a piece of cake. Let’s just wait calmly for his good news.”

The anger on Xu Hongyuan’s face faded as quickly as it had appeared, returning to calmness, “Sigh, my temper has gotten worse lately, all because of that little bastard’s fault.”

Zhao Huaqiang nodded, “Yes, that little bastard has been causing us trouble recently, he’s like a toad—doesn’t bite, but is disgusting.”

“Luckily, after today, everything will be quiet.”

Xu Hongyuan patted him on the shoulder appreciatively, “I will have to rely on you next, to sort out the bracelet matter quickly. Otherwise, I won’t be able to explain to Mr. Gao.”

Zhao Huaqiang immediately thumped his chest in assurance, “Mr. Xu, rest assured, as long as that little bastard is taken out, the bracelet will easily fall into our hands.”

“Good, then let’s drink to that, to your surefire victory.”

Xu Hongyuan also put on a smile, clinked glasses with Zhao Huaqiang, and was about to drink.

Just as he was halfway through, a shadow suddenly flashed in front of them.

The next second, the coffee table was overturned with a “bang”.

The sudden event gave both men a start.

Looking closely, the object thrown over turned out to be a person.

On closer inspection, it was actually Ba Song.

He had been tortured to the point of no recognition, not only was his mouth covered in blood, but his neck had also been sliced.

And even more terrifying was that the clothes on his chest and knees were shredded, with the flesh underneath bloody and raw, with several areas revealing stark white bones.

This gruesome scene made both men’s scalps tingle.

When they turned their heads to look, they saw a young, handsome face.

Tang Feng!

He was now wearing a faint smile on his face and was still embracing Mao Anyi, who was dressed in a red evening gown.

“Is it you?”

Xu Hongyuan immediately stood up in shock, taking two steps back.

Zhao Huaqiang and the dozen or so henchmen quickly positioned themselves between them.

The music in the bar stopped again, and the frenzied crowd looked over in bewilderment.

Xu Hongyuan’s treatment of the couple they had seen earlier had left them still in shock.

Could it be that someone was actually looking for trouble with him?

Many were sizing up Tang Feng with great curiosity.

Tang Feng looked at Xu Hongyuan with a smile, “Mr. Xu, this is our first time meeting, isn’t it? What are you dodging for? Could I possibly eat you up?”

Xu Hongyuan glanced at the unconscious Ba Song, then looked back at Tang Feng with fear, “Did you do this to him?”

In fact, he was asking something obvious.

Ba Song had been sent by him to kill Tang Feng. Seeing him now in such a morbid state, clearly it was Tang Feng’s doing.

But he couldn’t believe it.

Ba Song was the top fighter under his command, a fierce man who had once dominated Nan Tai County’s underground boxing scene.

And he wasn’t even a match for Tang Feng?

How strong could this young man’s fighting skills be?

“Isn’t this the result you wanted? Since you dared to send someone to kill me, you should be prepared for retaliation, right?”

Tang Feng slowly walked into the booth, forcing Xu Hongyuan and the others to retreat step by step.

Although Xu Hongyuan was terrified, he still wanted to maintain his dignity in front of his men, so he had to feign a calm demeanor.

“Hahaha, this might turn out to be a blessing in disguise for us.”

“Since you managed to survive this ordeal, this proves you have the strength to claim a place in Zhonghai. I won’t trouble you anymore, let’s shake hands and make peace.”

He put on a magnanimous act, never expecting Tang Feng to refuse.

“Haha, make peace?” Tang Feng laughed as if he heard a joke, “One moment it’s a life-or-death situation, and the next we’re supposed to be as close as brothers? Sorry, I don’t have such a short memory.”

Xu Hongyuan immediately frowned, “So what do you want then?”

Tang Feng pointed to the open space in front of them, “Come here, kneel down, and knock your head on the floor three times, then I’ll let you off the hook.”


As soon as he said this, the onlookers in the distance exploded in whispers.

“Damn, that’s some serious dominance!”

“This guy’s a tough one, facing a dozen men by himself, and still daring to tell them to kneel and bow?”

“How ruthless Mr. Xu is, we’ve all just seen it, could such a man actually kneel?”

“Man, what an eye-opener today. These people are all tough nuts.”

“Compared to these guys, our usual fistfights are just child’s play…”

Xu Hongyuan’s expression turned gloomy upon hearing Tang Feng’s words, “Tang Feng, are you sure you want to take this to the extreme?”

“Take it to the extreme your MLGB! Are you TM kidding me? You send someone to kill me, and you have the audacity to say I’m being extreme? Fuck!”

Upon hearing him dare to bite back, Tang Feng was instantly livid, spewing out a string of expletives, “I’ll ask you one last time, will you kneel or not?”

Xu Hongyuan’s pupils contracted, and suddenly he spat out two words.
